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Baş sahypa / Jemgyýet /Industry Leaders Address Students at Turkmen State Finance Institute on Education and Skills
Industry Leaders Address Students at Turkmen State Finance Institute on Education and Skills

As part of the Halk Maslahaty initiatives led by the National Leader of the Turkmen Nation on September 24th in Ashgabat, representatives from various industries gathered at the Turkmen State Finance Institute to discuss education reforms with students and their parents. Merdan Atayev, an IT consultant and social activist, highlighted the importance of balancing academic qualifications with both hard and soft skills in today’s competitive job market. Rahymberdi Kerimov, from the Central Committee of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, emphasized the role of Turkmen traditions in fostering ethical education. The event underscored the nation’s commitment to producing well-rounded, globally aware graduates rooted in cultural values.