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Baş sahypa / Ykdysadyýet /World Statistics Day: Celebrating the Power of Data
World Statistics Day: Celebrating the Power of Data

    Every year on October 20th, people all over the world celebrate World Statistics Day. This important day was created by the United Nations in 2010 to acknowledge the significance of statistics in influencing policies, making decisions, and promoting sustainable development around the world. This reminds us that having trustworthy and correct information is really important for making good decisions and creating policies based on evidence.


    Statistics are very important in helping us to understand the world we live in. They give us information about different parts of life like how the economy is growing, how society is improving, our health, and how we are taking care of the environment.


    The main goal of World Statistics Day is to make people understand how important it is to have accurate data. In a time when there is too much information, it's important to know the difference between true facts and false information. Statistics help us gather information to make smart decisions, whether it's for ourselves or for our communities.


    In summary, World Statistics Day is an international event that helps us understand how important data is in shaping our world. This day is about appreciating statisticians and data scientists who work hard to give us trustworthy and correct information. This day reminds us that statistics are important for sustainable development and making good decisions. Let's take a moment to recognize the importance of data and the people who make it happen on this World Statistics Day.



Student of the Institute of  International Relations     

of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan.