Ahal province

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Home / Society /"Magic Book" Opens New Bookstore in Änew and Expands Services in Ashgabat
"Magic Book" Opens New Bookstore in Änew and Expands Services in Ashgabat

Dear Book Lovers!

We are pleased to announce that "Magic Book" store is located at Andalyp 40, 2nd floor of "Bägül" shopping center.

We also invite you to visit our newly opened bookstore located at the "Sahypa" education center on Watan Street in the city of Änew. Here, not only can you purchase books, but you can also take advantage of our library services.

We offer a wide range of books in various languages and genres at affordable prices.

You can order books of any kind through our Instagram account @magicbooktkm or by phone.

Delivery service is available to any part of Turkmenistan within 2-3 days and within the same day in Ashgabat.

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