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Home / Science and Education /IUHD students on mission to make the world a library
IUHD students on mission to make the world a library

Activist students of the International University for the Humanities and Development have launched Bookcrossing point. 

As one of the famous writers of the 20th century, Ray Douglas Bradbury, said: “There are worse crimes than burning books. For example, don't read them. The words of the American science fiction writer convey the issue of the current generation like nothing else. Nowadays, few people are interested in books, and even fewer who like to read them.

Students of the International University for the Humanities and Development became interested in this topical issue for today. A group of creative and ambitious young people with a thirst for knowledge and a love of reading rallied together and, thanks to hard work and teamwork during past two years, brought the BookCrossing project to life.

The idea of ​​Bookcrossing - Book Exchange - is not only to increase interest in reading, but also to create a friendly atmosphere among students. The concept of "Take a book, leave a book" helps to find like-minded people. After reading the book, the reader leaves it in an open bookcase in the form of a tree, giving the opportunity to another to read it, after which both can discuss their impressions. Such an exchange allows you to share your personal collection of books, communicate on completely different topics and genres, and feel yourself among friends and folks.

At the moment, students of the Language Learning Department Shamyradov Muhammetmyrat, Kovusov Bagtyyar and Bayramov Rovshen have developed a web page within the walls of the university to track which books have been taken for reading and which are available at the moment, and more experienced readers organize various competitions and tests for knowledge of a particular book. It is worth noting that teachers support the initiative of the group of book lovers and take an active part in the life of Bookcrossing, which is an additional motivation and inspiration for others to open the door to different universes.

Thus, IUHD is the first university in the country that launched the Bookcrossing project, and this gives hope that other educational institutions will follow the example and continue this undertaking.