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Home / Society /International Human Solidarity Day
International Human Solidarity Day

Every year on December 20, the world celebrates International Human Solidarity Day. This holiday was established on the initiative of the UN in 2006. Solidarity is a unity of beliefs and actions, mutual assistance and support of each other by members of a social group, based on common interests the need to achieve common goals, and shared responsibility.


In the 21st century, solidarity has become the fundamental value of the world. Only jointly, based on the principles of solidarity, is it possible to solve the global problems currently facing humanity. The creation of the UN contributed to the rapprochement of peoples and various countries worldwide. This became possible only with coordinated actions and compliance with international agreements. The UN General Assembly established the World Solidarity Fund. Its main task is to eradicate poverty and encourage social projects in developing countries among disadvantaged groups of the population. The World Day of Human Solidarity was established after other projects aimed at bringing countries and peoples closer together and jointly solving individual global problems were implemented at the international level under the auspices of the UN. In particular, the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development was adopted in 1995. It was aimed at creating equal conditions for the favorable social development of humanity, strengthening peace by refusing violence in international relations, eradicating poverty, achieving full employment, and forming and developing a fair and safe society. In 1996, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty. It was this document that became the basis for the subsequent establishment of the International Day of Human Solidarity.


The establishment of this holiday is aimed primarily at eradicating poverty and social inequality in different countries of the world. But this is not its only task. The UN constantly brings to the forefront the solution of problems of a socio-economic nature. Back in 1992, on the initiative of the UN, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty was established. It is celebrated annually on October 17. Today's International Day of Human Solidarity has a broader scope of problems and pursues the solution not only to the problem of combating poverty but also other goals. The fundamental task of the International Day of Human Solidarity is to promote the concept of solidarity of all countries and peoples in solving various problems of a global nature. Such problems include not only socio-economic ones. Only by uniting their efforts based on the principle of solidarity can people eradicate inequality, terrorism, and violence, establish peace on the planet, and solve environmental problems.


It is especially symbolic that the International Day of Human Solidarity falls at a time when, on the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays, people in different countries, regardless of racial, linguistic, and other differences, are waiting for a miracle, when the spirit of mutual assistance and help is especially vividly felt. In the retail outlets of RUP "Belsoyuzpechat," there is a wide range of New Year's products for sale. Come to us and we will help you choose everything you need to prepare for the holidays and pick out gifts for your family and friends.


Bakyguly ORAZOV,
student of the Institute of International Relations of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.