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Home / Society /Road Safety – Peace of Our Life
Road Safety – Peace of Our Life

Turkmenistan is experiencing increasing levels of development. Under the leadership of the President, there has been a rise in initiatives aimed at ensuring a peaceful and prosperous life for all residents of Turkmenistan. Specifically, during the "Road Safety – Peace of Our Life" month, which is observed every September, various activities such as propaganda campaigns, meetings, and consultations are organized to promote traffic safety on the country's main roads.


Laws, codes, and regulations in Turkmenistan are implemented in line with the interests of its residents. One example is the Turkmenistan Road Traffic Safety Law, which emphasizes state supervision to guarantee road safety. In this evolving society, multiple rules are implemented to ensure a happy and comfortable life for the younger generation. 


At the same time, the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly together with other public organizations, based on specially approved plans for road safety, regularly conducts road safety advocacy activities, sports competitions, and "round table" interviews among young people. Thus, these propaganda and admonition measures are of great importance in preventing traffic accidents and ensuring the comfort of our lives.


student of the Institute of International Relations
of the MFA of Turkmenistan.