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Home / Culture /Magtymguly – Tukmen spiritual leader and philosophical poet
Magtymguly – Tukmen spiritual leader and philosophical poet

Magtymguly lived in the 18th century, which witnessed successive political upheavals across Central  Asia. A radical regime change in Persia and the emergence of Afghanistan as a modern nation deeply impacted regional political stability. Factions among the Turkmen tribes, then under Persian rule, took advantage of these developments by lobbying for an independent Turkmen state. Though Magtymguly was not the only poet of his generation to call for Turkmen unification, he was the first known to develop this as a central motif in his poetry.


In the other arts, Veli Mukhatov’s first symphony To the Memory of Magtymguly (1976y) is considered by many to be the pinnacle of Turkmen symphonic composition. For six sections, this well-known masterpiece ranges from quiet gravitas to capricious passion, evoking the spectrum of Magtymguly’s patriotic and spiritual connection to his homeland.


Under the wise leadership of our esteemed President, who has great respect for our centuries-old spiritual values, it has become a noble tradition in our country to celebrate the Culture and arts workers and Magtymguly Pyragy’s Poetry Day on June 27 every year with a grand ceremony at the state level.


Started by our Hero Arkadag, continued by our esteemed President in the New era all the necessary conditions and vast opportunities have been created for the flourishing of Turkmen culture and art and literature. That is why it has become a unique tradition in our country to hold various creative events, cultural days, cultural weeks, festivals and exhibitions, and concerts at the international level. This testifies to the fact that our Motherland makes a significant contribution to the continuous development of good relations between the countries of the world.


The great celebration of the culture and arts workers and Magtymguly Pyragy’s poetry day in our country every year on June 27 is a great tribute to the culture and art in Turkmenistan, as well as, to the wisdom, the deep philosophical world, the power of artistic creativity of the famous poet. Magtymguly Pyragy who contributed to the formation of a unique spiritual unity with his works, is a poet who has made a significant contribution to the eventual formation of the Turkmen people as a united nation. His works which have become an inexhaustible ocean of wisdom, serve as one of the cornerstones of the national culture, literature, and art of the Turkmen people.


Our classical poet, the beacon of our poetic art, the wise human, the wise man whose creativity and wisdom and a person who has lived the real life of his people – it is important to note with pride that the lines of Magtymguly Pyragy are very important in educating the new generation of our people in the spirit of patriotism, high spirituality, and morality, nurturing in the human spirits. For almost three centuries now, Magtymguly has been living in the minds and hearts of not only Turkmens but also millions of people around the world who can respect the word. The poet’s poems have been translated into many languages of the world and have been published regularly as an independent book.


As we know, it is planned to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly’s birthday in 2024, the great intellectual poet and philosopher of the East, is a prominent representative of Turkmen classical literature. On this date, the Pyragy’s bronze statue built at a natural height that will be a great monument between heaven and earth, will be 60 meters of height, and the height of the foundation will be 25 meters. Also, here 41 hectares of land were allotted for the construction of a cultural park. This complex will be the beginning of a and wide-ranging celebration of the 300th anniversary of the great poet and philosopher of the East in 2024.


Lachyn Matjayeva,
student of the Faculty of International Relations
of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.