Ahal province

Latest news:
✦ Turkmenistan will take part in the International United Cultures Forum in St. Petersburg ✦ ✦ International Hi-Tech Forum and Exhibition ✦ ✦ Road Safety – Peace of Our Life ✦ ✦ Babamyrat Hamdamow Passed Away at 84 ✦ ✦ The 12th Taekwondo Cup of the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Held in Turkmenistan ✦ ✦ Ashgabat Welcomes First 'Kids Expo' to Showcase Opportunities for Children ✦ ✦ President Serdar Berdimuhamedov Congratulates Indonesia on Independence Day, Emphasizes Strategic Partnership ✦ ✦ Sada Kitap bookstore now available online at Damla marketplace! ✦ ✦ "Magic Book" Opens New Bookstore in Änew and Expands Services in Ashgabat ✦ ✦ «Investment Forum of Turkmenistan» (TIF 2024) ✦

As our Hero  Arkadag  noted  distinctly  in his  speech,  to  develop and  consolidate  the  multilateral  cooperation   of  Turkmenistan   is  one  of  the  main  tasks of  foreign  policy  of  our country, nowadays  this  cooperation , which  became  tradition , includes significant  problems  and new  goals  of  development  which  is  based  on  the  experience   gained  during  a long  time.  Being  recognized  twice  as  the   eternal  Neutral  state   by  the  member  states  of  UN, Turkmenistan  takes  a  great  part in  international  space   and  holds  effective relationships  with  UN   over  many  years.

The  Central  Asia  is one  of   the  not  calm  regions.   In  Afghanistan  there hasn’t  been  gained  agreement  yet  between the government  and  students.  There   is  still  felt  the  influence  of   Muslim  fundamentalism  in  some   states  of  Central  Asia.  Therefore,  on  December 11, 2007   there  was  founded  the Regional  Centre of  Preventive Diplomacy  for   Central  Asia   of  UN   in Ashgabat.   In  the  Regional  Centre  together  with    OSCE, CIS, UECO  and  other     international  organizations   define  general  approaches   and appropriate  measures   to  the  problems  such  as    illegal  circulation  of  drugs,  organizing  crime,  struggling  against  extremism  and  terrorism,  owning  the  land  and  water   border  resources,  to  regulate  the  conditions in  Afghanistan. In  2012,  December  there  was  held  international  scientific  conference  devoted  the  5 -year - anniversary   of  opening  Regional  Centre of Preventive Diplomacy  for   Central  Asia   of  UN   in Ashgabat. At  that  conference  our  Honorable  Arkadag   had  a  speech.  He  pointed out   the  eternal  Neutrality  of Turkmenistan   as  the  important  factor  of  peace  in  the  region : « As  the  Neutral   state   the  logic  of  foreign  policy  of  Turkmenistan   coincided  with  the  tendencies  of UN  in  strengthening   the  peace  in  the  region.  World  community  realizes more and  more the  one  of  the  effective  ways  of international  policy  is   the  Preventive  Diplomacy.   From   this  point,  I  want to  emphasize  the  decision  about  foundation of  the  Regional  Centre of Preventive Diplomacy  for   Central  Asia   of  UN   in Ashgabat, which  was  approved   by  all  neighboring states  and  UN,   was  the  proper  decision  based on strategically.  Taking  advantage of  this  opportunity  I  want  to  express my gratitude  to  the  presidents  of  Gazagystan, Gyrgyzystan,  Uzbekistan, Tajikistan ,the  general  secretary  of  UN,  members  of the security council, ,  all the  states  who are  in the  membership of the UN  for  their   wisdom,  prediction  and  political  freedom  in  international  cooperation.»   This  decision  was  the   evidence  of international  relations, long termed cooperation,    willing  for  partnership  and friendship   of UN  and  other  prestigious  international  organizations  in  developing cooperation   without  protests  and  conflicts.

Nowadays  Neutrality and Preventive  Diplomacy  shows  the  indivisible  unit  of  security, stability,  fundamentals in strengthening  and remaining  actual  problems  of the whole world in  example  of Turkmenistan. It has  been  15  years already  for  opening  Regional  Centre of Preventive Diplomacy  for   Central  Asia   of  UN   in Ashgabat.   The  Regional  Centre of Preventive Diplomacy  for   Central  Asia   of  UN   is  considered  to be  a  unique  structure   in peace-building  work  of  UN  and  it makes  a great  opportunity  to  support the countries  of  the  region   in     developing the amicable resolving  of  debates , quarrels  and  misunderstandings  by negotiations   and  international supports, struggling  against  cross-border   organized  crimes,  at  the  same  time terrorism, religious extremism  and  illegal  circulation of  drugs.

Being  a  unique  institution  to  implement  a great  deal  of tasks  in  different   spheres,  the  Regional  Centre of Preventive  Diplomacy  for   Central  Asia   of  UN  contributes  greatly  to  develop  international  cooperation   about  the  significant   problems  of  the  time.   Joint  work  of   Turkmenistan  and  the Regional  Centre  is  directed  to  the  aims  as  attaining   the  peace,  stability  and  security    in  the   Central  Asia.

The  countries  of  the Central  Asia  takes  a  great  part   to  provide  peace,   sustainable  development, at  the  same  time in  extending   regional  and international  cooperation.  Related  with  this,  to  have   a  cooperation    in  struggling   against  terrorism   and  preventing  the  use  of   power   is  defined  as  one  of  the   main  tasks.

It  is  necessary  to  point  out  existing  significant   documents  against  terrors,  and  having   regulating   rules   of  each,   at  the  same  time  the  close  relations  with  each  other.  Recognizing  the  importance  of  properly   implementing  the  characters  of  conventions  of the  UN   in struggling  against     terror   and  international law  obligations,   states  prepare   special  programs   in   providing  them.   As  the   steps  in   practice  we can  show   the  acceptance  of   national  legislation   in  this   system,  the  preparation  of   the  contracts  at   the  regional  level,    creation   of  work  teams,   and  setting  the close  relations  with   special    members.

Today,  our  country  has  a   wealth    of   experience  in  the  field  of  education.  Construction  of secondary,  vocational  and  higher  education  institutions’ modern buildings,  kindergartens  and  children’s  summer  camps  provided  with  new computers, interactive – multimedia  technologies, improvement  of  cooperation  with  the  international  organizations,  with  the  world’s  leading  research  and  training centers, improvement  of  teaching  foreign languages – are  clear  evidence that  our  state  is focusing  on  developing this  system.

There  are  all conditions  for  us, the young  people,  to get  a  great  education  and  upbringing, also  became   worthy  generation  for  our  beloved  homeland  and  people.

We  are  proud  of the  great  achievements  of  our  country  and  taking  advantage  of  the  opportunities   that  are aimed  at  making  us  an  advancing  on  the  path  of  further  glorifying the  fame  of  independent  Turkmenistan  educated  generation, we  read  and  learn.

Today,  teacher  and  students  of   all higher  education  institutions   of   the   country  are  effectively  using  the service  of  education  portal. Teachers   are  supplement  the  knowledge  base  within  the  portal  information,  and    control  students  online  activity.

We,  the  students  can  access  the  education  portal  and  get the  necessary  information  from  the  textbooks  and  manuscripts  without interruption,  by  watching the teaching  videos  and furthering our  knowledge  from  their    content. There  is  an  opportunity  for  us  to use  the   communication  system  on the  portal  and  also  to  get the  help  of   teachers .

AS  is  known, at  the  extended meeting  of the cabinet  of  ministers  of  Turkmenistan  dedicated  to  the   results   of  2019,  the  Honorable  Arkadag  set  specific  tasks  for  further improvement  of  the education  system.  In particular  the  task is to add higher  education  institutions  of the  country to  the  list of   international  universities  by   2024.

The   higher  education institutions  of  our country   are   highly  valued   by  the scientific  community  of  the  world. Turkmenistan is constantly  strengthening  scientific,  Technical, innovative  and  technological  cooperation  with  major  international  organizations,  foreign  scientific  centres  aimed  at strengthening  the  power  of  science  and  education, peace  and  friemdship. Foreign  universities  are interested  in  developing  cooperation with  higher education  institutions    of   the  country. Such  cooperation  is   carried  out  within the framework of  the agreements  concluded. coordination  and   complimentary  of  global  regional  and  national  instruments in  the  process of   achieving  sustainable  development  goals  is  one  of  the  key  tasks  today.

Significant  work  is  being  done  in   Turkmenistan  in  the    field  of  ecology,  which  is  include  in  the  Agenda  for  Sustainable  Development. The  cooperation with  the  countries  of  the   region  in  struggle  on  eliminate negative  consequences  of  climate  change  on the  sectors of  national  economy  and  on people’s  livelihood susutainable development  goals.

Supporting  global  peace, sustainable development  of the United Nations and  achieving  peace in the  region  are one  of the key  areas   of  Turkmenistan’s  foreign   policy. 

Thanks  to  the  unprecedented  efforts of Serdar  with  Arkadag,  our country  enjoys  great prestige  and respect  in the field of  international  relations. Permanent  Neutrality  plays  an  important  role in the  President’s  valuable  international  initiatives that  promote  peace,  security  and  sustainable  development  at the  national  regional  global  levels.

This  year our  country ,  under  the  leadership of  our  Serdar  with  Arkadag, esteemed  President,  together  with the  world  community,  is  celebrating  the 27th  anniversary of  Turkmenistan’s  Permanent  Neutrality. Our  permanent Neutrality  has  been  set as  a  model  for the  world,  due  to  promoting  the  principles  of  peace, good  neighborliness  that  have been  formed  over  the  centuries, promoting  initiatives aimed  at  effective  cooperation  within  the  framework of  the United Nations  and  other  reputable  international  organizations  to  pursue  political , economic,  scientific,  technical, cultural  and  humanitarian  spheres  in  the world.

We  wish long  live  to  the  Hero  Arkadag  and  Serdar  with  Arkadag , who  is  leading  our  country  from  development to  development  improving the living  standards  of our  people  day by day  and  carrying out  worldly  deeds! 



1st year student of the Faculty of 
International Journalism of the Institute of 
International Relations of the Ministry or 
Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.