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Home / Society /Turkmen Alem 52.0 E
Turkmen Alem 52.0 E

Turkmenistan’s first communication satellite, TurkmenAlem 52.0E, was launched into space from the Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) on 27.04.2015 at 23 hours 03 minutes UT (April 28, 4 hours 03 minutes Ashgabat time). The spacecraft, built by the French company Thales Alenia Space at the request of Turkmenistan, was delivered into space by the Falcon 9 launch vehicle.

More than 200 TV and Radio channels in Turkmen, English, Russian, Turkish, Uzbek, Farsi, Pashto, Dari and Kurdish are broadcast in high quality format via TurkmenAlem 52.0E satellite to audiences in Europe, the CIS and the Middle East. Also, dozens of companies and government organizations use data transmission services.